Guía para cuidadores de pacientes con poca o nula movilidad en la prevención de UPP
Interesante documento en pdf esta dirigido a cuidadores principales en domicilio y trata de cómo prevenir las úlceras por presión. Editado por el Hospital Universitario San Cecilio de Granada.
Delirio en pacientes adultos con cáncer: guías de práctica clínica de la ESMO
Las guías de práctica clínica 2018 ESMO sobre el delirio en pacientes adultos con cáncer se basan en los resultados de estudios y análisis recientes. El diagnóstico precoz del delirio y el tratamiento de sus causas precipitantes pueden permitir la reversión de muchos episodios. El manejo sintomático del delirio debe enfocarse principalmente en estrategias no farmacológicas junto con apoyo psicológico para pacientes y familias; el uso de antipsicóticos y benzodiazepinas debe minimizarse y reservarse juiciosamente para el fracaso de la intervención no farmacológicos
Fundación te cuidamos
Fundación te cuidamos es una web que ofrece información especializada sobre ostomías. Está orientada a profesionales y personas ostomizadas.
En la actualidad, la web está inactiva.
Patrón 7: Percepción
Estado subjetivo en que la persona ve pocas o ninguna alternativa o elecciones personales y es incapaz de movilizar su energía en su propio provecho.
Factores relacionados
Prolongada restricción de la actividad que crea aislamiento; declive o deterioro del estado fisiológico; estrés de larga duración; abandono; pérdida de la fe en los valores trascendentales o en Dios.
Criterios de resultados
- La persona:
- Expresará la percepción de tener un mayor control sobre sí misma y/o sobre su entorno.
- Formulará una valoración realista de la situación, identificando las diversas alternativas de que dispone.
- Adquirirá competencia en la aplicación de técnicas para la reducción de estrés, técnicas y habilidades para realizar los cuidados y/o para suplir las deficiencias o pérdidas físicas.
- Participará activamente en la toma de decisiones respecto a su vida o sus cuidados.
Enunciados de los artículos publicados desde Enero hasta Marzo de 2016. Podéis acceder si pincháis sobre el título.
- Quality of life of patients with lung cancer.
- Retrospective evaluation of palliative care and hospice utilization in hospitalized patients with metastatic breast cancer.
- Palliative care nursing education features more prominently in 2015 than 2005: Results from a nationwide survey and qualitative analysis of curricula.
- Enhanced Understanding of the Levels of Palliative Care in Pharmacy Students Through Participating in Clinical Training in Hospitals.
- The Dual Rounding Model: Forging Therapeutic Alliances in Oncology and Palliative Care.
- Personal and dignified death. The role of pastoral care in palliative medicine.
- Legal basics in palliative care.
- Name of Journal: World Journal of Clinical Oncology ESPS Manuscript NO: 22234 Manuscript Type: MINIREVIEWS Integrating palliative care in oncologic emergency …
- Pediatric Palliative Care-The Outliers.
- Children receiving palliative care.
- Alice Done reflects on story-telling as an intervention in paediatric palliative care.
- Web‐based collaborative care intervention to manage cancer‐related symptoms in the palliative caresetting.
- Acceptability and Reliability of a Novel Palliative Care Screening Tool Among Emergency Department Providers.
- The right to palliative care: a» mirage» in the jurisprudence of the ECTHR and IACTHR?
- Palliative care nurses facilitating the advance care planning discussion with patients newly diagnosed with lung cancer-patients’ and families’ experience.
- RPM & Palliative Care Improved Patient Outcomes.
- CARES Program-Palliative Care in the Nursing Home.
- … allied health professional working in cancer or palliative care. This month we profile Cherie Baxter, Music Therapist, South East Palliative Care (South East Melbourne …
- Preparedness survey for Joint Commission’s Palliative Care requirement with LVAD implantation as destination therapy.
- Pre-transplantation Supportive and Palliative Care Consultation for High-Risk Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients.
- Effects of a transitional palliative care model on patients with end-stage heart failure: a randomised controlled trial.
- Symptom severity of patients with advanced cancer in palliative care unit: longitudinal assessments of symptoms improvement.
- Impact of Palliative Care Consultation Service on Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: A 9-Year Observational Cohort Study in Taiwan.
- How We Die: A View from Palliative Care.
- Comparing the site of death and palliative care for cancer patients internationally.
- Home-based Palliative Care: A Strategy for Keeping Intensive Care Unit Beds Vacant.
- A lifelong privilege: Helen Meehan’s dedication to improving palliative care led to her being awarded a British Empire Medal in the new year’s honours’ list. As lead …
- Scottish Public Health Network (ScotPHN) Palliative and end of life care in Scotland: The rationale for a public health approach.
- Spirituality in patient care under palliative care: A study with nurses.
- Measuring healthcare integration: Operationalization of a framework for a systems evaluation of palliative care structures, processes, and outcomes.
- Improving the wellbeing of staff who work in palliative care settings: A systematic review of psychosocial interventions.
- Place of death in rural palliative care: A systematic review.
- A palliative care approach in heart failure: knowledge and attitudes of cardiac nurses.
- The High Burden of Palliative Care Needs among Older Emergency General Surgery Patients.
- Palliative care for hepatocellular carcinoma: Analysis of the National Cancer Data Base.
- 14 The Role of