BAOJ Palliative Medicine
BAOJ Palliative Medicine is the premier peer-reviewed journal that covers medical, psychosocial, policy, and legal issues in end-of-life care and relief of suffering for patients with intractable pain. This Journal not only acts as a knowledge repository for professionals in hospice/palliative medicine, but also helps the elder patients and their families to improve the quality of life. This journal focuses on presenting papers and articles on latest developments in drug and non-drug treatments.
Guía en el control de síntomas
10 important deprescribing articles you should probably know about
Today we come to you with a special literature blog post highlighting 10 key deprescribing articles that together provide an overview of the field of deprescribing – covering the mindset of deprescribing, the complexity of and challenges related to deprescribing in clinical practice, the development and testing of deprescribing interventions, and perspectives of future deprescribing research. We believe each of these 10 articles offer important insights or findings related to deprescribing.
The list is based on careful deliberation between the two of us, after considering a number of worthy candidates. Of course, this list is based on our opinion only and we limited ourselves to 10 articles (which wasn’t easy at all!). We would love to hear your input on our list, so let us know if we have missed any important papers or topics. We will then follow up with a complete list of recommended deprescribing articles for use of all deprescribers out there!
Dosis de morfina y trastornos de la memoria
Las dosis de rescate con morfina provoca pequeños y transitorios deficits de la memoria anterograda inmediata en pacientes en tratamiento con morfina de liberación retardada.
Proceso de muerte: Experiencia de un registro enfermero como soporte al profesional de Cuidados paliativos
Estudio publicado en la revista Enfermería Global, nº 16, Junio 2009, sobre la utilidad de un registro de enfermería en el proceso de agonía del enfermo terminal.