Protocolo del tratamiento del Delirium
Protocolo de la página web: promotin escelence in End of Life Care
Protocolo de la página web: promotin escelence in End of Life Care
Guía de la Sociedad Panamericana de la Salud. En Español.
Guía de la Junta de Andalucía sobre el proceso de Cuidados Paliativos Acceso a una guía rápida en cuidados paliativos, guía de sedación.
This guidance document reviews the epidemiology and management of pain in older people via a literature review of published research. The aim of this document is to inform health professionals in any care setting who work with older adults on best practice for the management of pain and to identify where there are gaps in the evidence that require further research. The assessment of pain in older people has not been covered within this guidance and can be found in a document.