Effects of dignity therapy on palliative patients’ family members: A systematic review.

Objective. Dignity therapy (DT) is a kind of psychotherapy that identifies the main concerns
of end-of-life patients that affect their perception of dignity and helps them to find a new
meaning in life. Most prior studies on DT analyze outcomes for palliative care patients.
The aim of this systematic review is to explore the outcomes of DT in palliative care patients’
family members


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Cursos de cuidados paliativos para personal de enfermería y auxiliares


MY Journey | SIMPLE WAY to do it today

Los profesores cuentan con amplia experiencia específica en el ámbito de Cuidados Paliativos, largos años de práctica clínica en Centros nacionales e internacionales de referencia, y experiencia docente en la impartición de cursos, jornadas, formación continuada y docencia universitaria.

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Experto Universitario en Cuidados Paliativos


Con la titulación de Experto Universitario en Cuidados Paliativos de UNIR adquirirás los fundamentos y técnicas necesarias para:

  • Entender el concepto del cuidado paliativo integral y su impacto en la salud y la sociedad.
  • Conocer las características de los cuidados paliativos en pacientes oncológicos y no oncológicos.
  • Adquirir habilidades sobre el manejo del dolor en situaciones oncológicas, dolor crónico, complicaciones vasculares de diabetes, dislipemias, enfermedades neurológicas, demencias, etc

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BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care


Published quarterly in print and continuously online, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care aims to connect many disciplines and specialties throughout the world by providing high quality, clinically relevant research, reviews, comment, information and news of international importance. We hold an inclusive view of supportive and palliative care research and we are able to call on expertise to critique the whole range of methodologies within the subject, including those working in transitional research, clinical trials, epidemiology, behavioural sciences, ethics and health service research.


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